June 2022
This month's Aviator Spotlight shines its light on Ian Sullivan. His love for aviation started at the early age of three when he received a toy plane for Christmas. When Ian was ten he was hit with a bad condition that altered his life and risk his ability to become a pilot. Now, at age fifteen, he is working on his way to becoming a private pilot. Ian is a prime example of why Scanners™ shines its spotlight on individuals in the aviation community.
Ian Sullivan's Story
My love for aviation started at the early age of three, when I picked up my very first toy airplane that I received for christmas,I knew right then and there that I wanted to be a pilot. When I was younger, I remember my dad having a flight simulator, I used to watch his every move with great enthusiasm as he sat there and controlled the aircraft. He would sit me on his lap and show me how to use the controls and talk to me about each and every plane we flew. As I got older, I was able to sit on my own and work the controls myself. I remember feeling the excitement and adrenaline as I took off and landed every single time.
"...when I was 10, I was hit with a bad condition that altered my life at the time."
I am not ashamed to admit that I still do, even to this day, feel the same excitement and adrenaline every time I take off or land in my very own simulator but more so when I am physically in the air. About five years ago when I was 10, I was hit with a bad condition that altered my life at the time. I lost the ability to do math, read, and write, my GPA went from a 4.0 down to a 2.8! At this point my main worry wasn’t that I would get better, or when I would, it was I’m not going to be able to be a pilot when I’m older.
I knew that the only way to conquer whatever was going was to constantly study, stay happy, and strive to be the best. If it weren’t for my amazing family, and friends I would have never made it through. I’m now 15 years old, working on my private, high honors student, ready for the next adventure life brings! Without the help of my amazing family mentors Dan, and Niko, as well as my friends, I wouldn't be able to call the sky home, they are the reason my love for aviation has grown beyond what I could have ever imagined.
"I’m now 15 years old, working on my private, high honors student, ready for the next adventure life brings!"
To continue following Ian's story, follow him on instagram @Sully_Aviation
Thank you, Ian, for sharing your aviation story. If you have a story you would like to share with the world send it to us at AviatorSpotlight@scannersifr.com. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your story!
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